Heirloom Seeds & Dry Goods

Heirloom varieties that will change the way you think about corn, beans, chilies and more. Seeds for gardening and dry goods for eating with Canada-wide shipping.


Hey! I’m a small-scale farmer in British Columbia with a passion for three crops that don't get enough love north of the 49th: chilies, milling corn, and dry beans. The last few years I’ve been devoting more and more space in both my diet and my acreage to these crops. Here’s why:

Jordan, A Farmer Who Doesn’t Enjoy Being Called Farmer Jordan, except by Chef Dana.

  • Flavour. For most eaters, these crops hail from industrial agriculture, and can be very old by the time they reach our plates. Eating them fresher--that is, within a year of their harvest, but only after they've been fully ripened in the field, has been a revelation to me and to my customers.

  • Heritage/History. Each of these crops contain hundreds of varieties grown and nurtured across the globe. Every variety has a story to tell, which adds to the fun of growing and eating them. Go here to read about Zolfino Beans, which you can purchase in the store.

Unearthed Organics in Kelowna, BC

  • Evangelism. In Canada, all three of these crops--especially milling corn and beans--need to fire their publicist. Together or separately, they're delicious, but they're to too many Canucks, and I'd like to help change that.

  • Nutrition. They're good for us!

A few more details, real quick:

  • I don't do this alone. My wife, Vanessa, started the farm business with me, but has since become a very busy midwife. I also have awesome staff. I'll write more about them soon.

  • My organic certification is only valid in British Columbia, for now, as I have a regional certification unique to British Columbia.

  • I've produced a podcast for farmers and gardeners off and on for years now. It's called The Ruminant.